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International Women’s Day – Meet Cristina

Ingrid Leboucher

2 min read


Meet Cristina

QA Engineer

On International Women’s Day, discover the journey of four wonderful women at Kalray (Pam, Barbara, Cristina and Suzanne) their visions, their dreams, the challenges they face every day.

Cristina, a QA Engineer at Kalray since 2018, shares her thoughts with us. Cristina is based in Manvers, United-Kingdom.

Cristina, can you tell us about your background and your job?

I am originally from Italy and have been living in the UK since 2010. My educational background is in foreign languages, which I studied in high school. Despite not attending university, as I was unsure of my career path at the time, I found my way into the IT world. Through determination and self-teaching, I worked my way up to become a QA engineer. My job involves ensuring that software products meet certain standards of quality before they are released to the public, which requires a keen eye for detail and a strong understanding of software development processes.

What job did you want to do when you were a child? 

As a child, I was deeply passionate about music and really wanted to become a singer. Music has always been a significant part of my life and it still is. However, as I grew older, I recognised the challenges and competitiveness of the music industry, which led me to pursue a different career path.

Do you think that being a woman could have been a hindrance or an asset in your career? 

Being a woman in the IT industry can sometimes be a hindrance due to the existing gender biases and stereotypes in a predominantly male industry. However, it can also be an asset, as diversity is increasingly being recognised as a strength in the workplace, given it can bring different perspectives and solutions to the table. Personally, I have never had an issue in getting the job I wanted because I am a woman, and I have always been recognised for my skills and hardworking attitude instead, rather than being judged for my gender.

Why do you think there are so few women in the engineering and tech industry? 

I believe there is still a lack of women role models in the tech industry. Men can dream of becoming the next Steve Jobs or Bill Gates, as they look up to them. Additionally, women are sometimes still pushed to follow “traditional” routes, such as being 100% stay-at-home mums. Nothing wrong with following the traditional paths, but we need to let young girls know that they can be whoever they want to be!

What does International Women’s Day mean to you? 

International Women’s Day is a powerful reminder of the struggles and achievements of women throughout history. It’s a day to celebrate how far we’ve come in the fight for gender equality, while also recognising the ongoing challenges and injustices women face around the world…

What is your vision on gender equality at work? 

My vision for gender equality at work is an environment where individuals are judged solely on their abilities and contributions, rather than their gender. It’s a workplace that offers equal opportunities for growth, development, and leadership to everyone and actively fights against discrimination and biases.

What do you think is the most dangerous stereotype about women? 

One of the most dangerous stereotypes about women is the belief that they are inherently less capable, especially in fields traditionally dominated by men, such as STEM and leadership positions. This stereotype leads women to be less likely to pursue and be offered opportunities in these areas due to perceived incompetence.

What do you think is the biggest challenge of being a woman today? 

The biggest challenge of being a woman today is navigating the persistent gender inequalities that pervade all aspects of life, from the workplace to societal expectations. Women are often expected to balance professional success with traditional roles at home, facing scrutiny regardless of their choices. Again, I am lucky enough to have always been surrounded by people who respect me and that have never let me feel inferior because of my gender.


Head of Human Resources, Kalray

Ingrid Leboucher has been the Head of Human Resources at Kalray since February 2022, focusing on HR strategy to support company growth, career development, employee engagement and to foster a positive work environment. Ingrid has a degree from Skema Business School in Sophia Antipolis, France. She is also certified as an MBTI practitioner, emphasizing her commitment to helping people realize their potential.

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